Honorary Advisors

Dr. S. Abdul Khader
Dr. S. Abdul Khader is Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Biology & Plant Biotechnology, Presidency College, (Autonomous) Chennai. Is our Advisor for conservation of flora in the Tropical Dr Evergreen Forest.
Dr. Abdul Khader has over 14 years experience in teaching & over 17 years in Research - Plant Taxonomy & Tree Seed Technology. With specialization in Silviculture and Tropical Forest Tree Seed Science & Technology, Plant Taxonomy, plant tissue culture. Discovered three new plant species viz., Aegle tamilnadensis (Rutaceae)Cynanchum, vazhayoorensis (Asclepiadaceae) Desmodium helicocarpa Fabaceae) Rediscovered Torenia cordifolia Roxb, (Scrophulariaceae) after 80 years.
Total Publications - 68 Published in refereed journals National — 14 International -18 In conferences/Seminars/Symposia, etc. - 32 Books - 2 Articles -2